As I was preparing for Cabo, both of my girls were taking summer school finals, and my oldest is preparing to take her drivers test on the 13th. They handle stress very differently… My youngest daughter, who’s up at Santa Barbara is very easy-going and relaxed and tends to deal with things internally and is […]
A Diva’s Guide to Warm Weather Travel Essentials
My guide to warm weather travel essentials? Sunscreen Bathing suit Hat Flip flops Cover up Done! Lol Just kidding! You’ll need chapstick too! But seriously, packing for a warm-weather trip is very different than packing from a cold-weather trip. First of all, your suitcase is not going to be as jam-packed – or at least […]
Are You Getting Enough Sleep? You’re Getting 1 Hour LESS Than You Think
It’s no big secret that most of us aren’t getting enough sleep… But it’s only recently that I discovered that the average person actually sleeps a whole hour LESS than the amount of time they’re laying in bed. So if you’re in bed for eight hours, that’s great and all…but you’re only getting seven hours […]
Are You Emotionally Eating?
This is something I think that all of us have struggled with at one point or another in life. But maybe you don’t even know that’s what you’re doing! How do you know if you’re emotionally eating? Let me tell you what some of the signs are. Ask yourself some of these questions when you […]
Remember how I told you you can burn calories while watching Netflix!?

Remember last weeks blog about burning calories while watching Netflix?… I have good news for you!!! LIIFT4 which is a program that combines lifting with HIIT (high intensity interval training) is available at a discounted rate for the month of August! Perfect for working out and lifting your wine glass and watching Netflix while the […]
THE PROJECT – Good 2 Great
What a fun week we had in the Project! For those of you who don’t know what the project is, it’s a six-week online instructor development course. We teach you everything from the basics of musicality and queuing to more advanced skills like the quality of movement with music and how to go from good […]
My Date with Adam…
OK…Cats out of the bag! I had a date with Adam… Adam Levine. Yes, THE Adam Levine from Maroon 5! Well he might not have known we were on a date, but we definitely were. LOL! Let me explain. I went to a live taping of The Voice. Boy, WHAT an experience. Now I know […]
Why it’s Important to Teach Your Children to be Independent
So…I wouldn’t really say my youngest daughter is a hair snob, but she does appreciate a nice haircutand highlights every once in a while, and she knows what’s good and what’s bad. We have a GREAT stylist that she’s seen locally in the past, but she’s away at school and very independent and she wanted […]
Get Rid of Bloating! Top 6 Foods to Beat Belly Bloat…
We’ve all been there, with that fuller stomach and swollen feeling after a meal…Or sometimes, long after a meal! So, how do you get rid of bloating? There are actually tens of different possible causes of belly bloating — from heartburn to celiac disease — but for simplicity’s sake, I’m only going to talk […]
Burn Calories While Watching Netflix
Let’s talk FITNESS! My JAM right now is…. STRENGTH TRAINING. I know what you’re going to say. Won’t I gain weight lifting weights? Won’t I get bulky? The answer is NO. Do you ever wonder why men can lose 10 pounds in 2 seconds just by removing soda from their diet? They have MORE MUSCLE. […]