8 Headache-Free Tips To Getting Your Business Started On Facebook

Social Media. It can be a love/hate relationship. But here’s the deal — This is the age of digital advertising. Social media is like the cup to your glass of water. How else would you drink it?
Yoga, Pilates, and Barre — How To Choose Which One To Try First!

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Yoga, Pilates, and Barre? Workout Mats and Ponytails? Leggings and Water Bottles? People Moving Around To Soothing Music? Technically, Yes… But It’s so much more than that.
The SOUL Production Part 2: The SOULfusion EXPERIENCE by Brandi Ortiz

Brandi Ortiz is a freelance writer and editor with a deep love for storytelling, doodles, and dark chocolate. With a BA in Anthropology and a minor in Creative Writing, she has written and published short stories that reflect her creativity and gift for creating a memorable experience with her words. Check out what Brandi has to say about SOUL.
The 4 Part Process To Building A High Quality Brand On Instagram

I want you to pause for a moment… Think about a high-profile brand that you follow on Social Media. Did you think of one? Good. Now ask yourself — What do they do to keep you interested in who they are? The question isn’t what you like about their products or services. Why do you like them as a company or organization? What appeals to you? Why do you think they have as many followers as they do? BRANDING — That’s the keyword.
4 Seasonal Treats To “Fall” In Love With That Are Actually Good For You!

It’s that time of year again! Crisp air, falling leaves, bonfires. You can’t deny that there’s a little magic in the air. And I bet you see it everywhere now. Pumpkin and spice everything. But the bummer is — most of our favorite fall treats are filled with additives and sugars. Ummm… excuse me. I would like to fit into my yoga pants please. Don’t worry! Here are some snacks you can whip up if you’re wanting some fall flavor that won’t mess with your diet.
How to Create Strong, Flourishing Female Friendships Focused on Fitness

A long time ago, I had a friend ask me to come along to a spin class. Being a fitness junkie, I welcomed the idea with open arms. Oh what fun! Boy did I get my booty kicked. I’m almost positive that my heart nearly burst out of my chest that day. This was the hardest class I had taken in a long time. The thing is, I still remember that class. I would go back any time because the reward of a good workout is always worth it. And my friend and I had the biggest sweaty smiles on our faces when we were done.
Want To Build A Crazy Cool Fitness Community? Start With These Tips!

Life has its ups and downs — we call them squats. Let’s talk about that hustle for the muscle. Don’t you feel just a bit more motivated when other people are after the same goals? There’s nothing quite like a gym buddy to hold you accountable. Even better if there’s a whole group that you get to lead! But it’s kind of awkward to walk up to random people on the street and ask if they want to train with you. So, we’re here to talk about the best ways to build a solid group of go-getters like yourself that want the motivation of a fitness community to share their journeys with. Virtually or in person!
5 Effortless Ways To Get More Instagram Likes

Did you know? There are around 1.4 BILLION people on Instagram. And Instagram is among the 5 most visited sites in the world according to Blogging Wizard. So many people to reach! But also so much competition. How do people do it? How do you get hundreds or even thousands of people interested in your material with all of the content floating around online? That’s like one sunflower in a field of sunflowers trying to attract as many bees as possible. Well stand tall my friend! Be the biggest darn flower in that field!
SOUL Production Pt.1 by Brandi Ortiz

Brandi Ortiz is a freelance writer and editor with a deep love for storytelling, doodles, and dark chocolate. With a BA in Anthropology and a minor in Creative Writing, she has written and published short stories that reflect her creativity and gift for creating a memorable experience with her words. Check out what Brandi has to say about SOUL.
Vitamin D Benefits — What can it REALLY do for you?

Ahhh — the sun. That beautiful ball in the sky that powers us with energy and gives us that little pep in our step. But sometimes good things can also have not-so-good parts. Like lemons. Lemons have wonderful nutritional benefits. But too many lemons will give you a stomach ache. What’s that saying? When life gives you lemons — don’t eat too many? Anyway… Let’s talk about a pro of that very bright star shining from above — Vitamin D.