6 Tips That Can Help Any Fitness Instructor Become A Networking Pro

6 Tips That Can Help Any Fitness Instructor Become A Networking Pro cover

There’s a reason why a group of animals is more effective in a hunt than a lone wolf. “Better Together” as they say. Small business owners should always be striving to grow their pack…err…network. Networking provides an opportunity to grow, share, and experience in a way that isn’t possible if you try to do everything on your own.

The Ultimate Guide On How To Keep Up With Social Media Trends Like A Pro

The Ultimate Guide On How To Keep Up With Social Media Trends Like A Pro cover

26 years. Look at how far Social Media has come in such a short amount of time. It can be dizzying to try to keep up with that speed of change — especially trying to manage everything else that comes with owning a business. So let’s take a look at some helpful tips to keep your head above water!

20 Little Known Ways Walking Benefits Your Mind, Body, and Mood

Kicking off your sandals and squishing your toes in the sand between each step, breaking out some good boots and striding through a fresh blanket of snow, tossing on your favorite sneakers and hitting the pavement — no matter where you are — a good walk is always worth it. But people tend to kick walking to the curb as an effective way to improve health. Oh how wrong they are! Walking has amazing benefits for all areas of health.

How To Show Up For Other Hustling Female Entrepreneurs And Why It Matters

I’m going to take a wild guess and assume that most of you reading have seen the Olympics? Or at least heard of the world stage of sports? Raise your virtual hand if you think it would be questionable if someone from, say, the United States gymnastic team, went out to win gold but didn’t want to support any other fellow Americans in the other performing sports. That just wouldn’t happen. Why? Because they may play a different game — but they’re all a part of the same team. All female entrepreneurs are also on the same team in different ways.