Have You Been Resisting the Resistance Band?

With the world transitioning to staying and working at home more, you may be looking for ways to transition your fitness to a more at-home style. If this sounds like you, resistance bands are the workout equipment you need. Maybe you’ve heard of them, but have been too skeptical to give them a try. It’s time to stop resisting the resistance band! These miracle pieces of elastic will take your workouts to a whole new level. Resistance bands resemble bungee cords or oversized rubber bands, but don’t let their appearance fool you. Once you try them, these unassuming pieces of equipment will rival even your favorite go-to workout.

How to Stay on Track During the Holidays

The holidays are so hard for people trying to stick to a healthy lifestyle! Between the scrumptious turkey and macaroni and cheese to the decadent desserts it’s no wonder so many people don’t stay on track with their fitness goals during the holidays. So how do you stay on track during the holidays? These tips will help you maintain your healthy lifestyle during the holidays and make you feel proud of yourself.

How to Feel Empowered as a Woman in Business

It doesn’t matter if you’re new to the business world or have been at it a while- being a woman in business is hard! Whether you work for someone else or yourself, making it in the business world demands so much of your time, energy, and emotions. On top of work demands, many women also face a constant battle of balancing work and home responsibilities. No wonder so many women struggle to feel valued and empowered in the business world! If you want to make your mark in the world you must discover how to become a confident and empowered woman. Strong women know how to value themselves and know what they are worth. Read more to discover how to feel empowered as a woman in business.

Back and Shoulder Workouts for Good Posture!

It’s a no-brainer that having good posture is important to living a healthy and pain-free life. Your posture affects so many aspects of your health and says a lot about the health of your joints and muscles. It directly affects how you look and feel. Having consistently poor posture can be dangerous and lead to muscle and ligament imbalances that cause problems like chronic neck and back pain, headaches, stiffness, muscle atrophy, digestion issues, and so many more painful ailments. To avoid the negative side effects of bad posture, check out these back and shoulder workouts for good posture!

Stop Stress Eating Once and for All

What is it about stress that makes us want to stuff our face with junk food? Craving carbs during stressful times is completely normal (thanks, genetics). Your body equates stress with you being in danger so it thinks you need those extra carbs to keep you safe. And who hasn’t been a giant stress ball this year, am I right? Why we can’t crave celery and peanut butter, I don’t know, but stress eating is not a habit that you want to let continue. Thankfully, some preparation and management on your part will help you stop stress eating once and for all.

Why Being Outdoors Heals You!

Without regular exposure to natural light and fresh air, you can live your life feeling lethargic, anxious, and mildly depressed. That’s no way to live! But the good news is, this is an easy problem to fix. Nature is and will always be the best cure for pretty much anything. But how?

Top 5 Unexpected Guacamole Hacks

Who in the world does not love guacamole??? The combination of fresh avocado, tomato, onion, and seasonings makes for a delectable and healthy treat. Guacamole is a well-loved treat, and for good reason. It has all-natural ingredients that are amazing for you, tons of fiber, and even more delicious taste. There is literally nothing better than digging into a fresh batch of savory guacamole. Guacamole has been around for centuries and people have experimented to find the best ways to make it. Check out these five unexpected guacamole hacks to make your next guacamole experience even better.

How to Actually Keep Produce FRESH Longer

We’ve all been there. The week starts with high hopes of cooking delicious homemade meals with fresh veggies. You dream that this is the week that your kids ask for a banana or fresh strawberries for a snack instead of their usual potato chips. So you fill your grocery cart with fresh produce and head home. Then life got in the way and your nights of homemade meals turn into drive-thru meals on the way to ball practice. If you love having fresh fruits and vegetables but hate losing money when they go bad, this post is for you.