Michele’s Favorite Girl Boss Reads – Personal Development Recommendations

Personal development is seriously food for the mind and the soul. I know it might be hard to believe, but it can seriously be the missing piece to handling all that life throws at you. We go through lots of phases of change between school, parenting, business, marriage, and personal development will help you be […]

Middle Age Spread

Did you know that this is totally a thing?? We always hear jokes about the “middle age spread” that happens as we age. Well, it really is a real live phenomenon. Even those that have always seemed to be able to eat WHATEVER they want and not gain an ounce, it catches up with them […]

Instructor Tip of the Month – Are you moving properly?

Okay – let’s talk movement quality as a fitness instructor! Now – you don’t have to be the fittest person in the room, but you are a role model on that stage or in front of the class, so you do need to have great movement quality. Listen to the rest below!

Seven Things to Look for in a Mentor (Business or Personal)

We’re not born with knowledge, nor do we learn everything we need to know in school, so having someone who’s achieved success guide you on your journey makes ALL the difference. The tradition of having someone to support you with wisdom and experience is as old as the human race. In any tribal society, younger […]

STOP Being Afraid of FAT!

Now ladies, I know for years and years, we were conditioned into believing that fat, or anything even TO DO with fat was EVIL, right? For such a long time, it was all about low calorie and low fat food, and even when you go to the store, you can STILL see some things labeled […]

Hello, Readers! It’s me again!

Some of you might recall from my first post that I like to write, and want to be an author. Over the years, I’ve developed characters and stories set in other times and worlds separate from our own. Creating these characters, and navigating their adventures, helped through some troubling times when I was young. Back […]

Brandi’s Leaving Soon…

Moms out there. As I’ve shared with you recently, my oldest baby is leaving the nest in a few weeks, and it’s getting a little hairy for me over here! I’m having my normal mom nervousness and just want to know that my girl is going to be okay out there without me! Parents, feel […]

Instructor Tip of the Month – Recording Yourself

Okay – one of the best things you can do to really see movement quality and to hear yourself speak is to video tape yourself. I know – it’s really hard sometimes. I don’t even like watching myself teach…SO, what you need to do is set up that camera, pretend that it’s not even there, […]

Does this sound like you???

In your 20s, and even well into your 30s and early 40s, losing weight and keeping it off seemed to be SO much easier. You could easily tweak a few things, get some extra walks in, stop having that extra snack during the day and the pounds would just melt off – am I right? […]

The Month of LOVE

Happy February 1st, loves!!! February is one of my favorite months because we get to focus on one of my favorite things…LOVE. Yes, yes, yes. I know that Valentine’s Day is a Hallmark holiday, but what better excuse to use as an opportunity to focus on one of the most positive and strongest things in […]