What I Want My Daughter To Know About Entrepreneurship

When I got my first job as a fitness instructor at the tender age of 17 I knew I had found my calling. I loved it! My passion for fitness and my desire to help others sparked something in me that I knew I wanted to pursue. It has led me down an exciting, challenging, and rewarding path of entrepreneurship that I would not have found working in a traditional 9-5 job. As a mom, I pray for my daughters to find the same spark and purpose in their lives that I have been blessed with. If they do decide to follow in my footsteps, there are some things I want my daughters to know about entrepreneurship.

My All-Time Top 10 Things Women Need To Rock Their Business

When I first started my business I had no idea what I was doing. Like most new entrepreneurs, I had a dream to help people around the world with my positivity and fitness expertise. I thought that would be enough to make my business succeed, but boy was I wrong. Now, after years in this business, I have learned a thing or two about what it takes to thrive as an entrepreneur. If you are dreaming of becoming a successful lady boss then this article is for you. Keep reading for my all time top 10 things women need to rock their business.

If You Sit At Your Desk For Most Of The Day, These 3 Daily Movements Are A Must Do

Regardless of your fitness level, sitting at a desk for long periods of time can wreak havoc on your body. Your back becomes tense, your neck muscles get stiff, and your wrists become strained. Even worse, If you don’t work diligently to counteract these damaging effects they will only get worse over time. Sitting all day at a desk will cause painful hip and joint problems by shortening your hip flexors. Poor posture causes back problems and poor spine health can lead to painful premature degeneration. Don’t let your desk job steal your health from you! If you sit at a desk most of the day, these three daily movements are a must-do!

10 Ways To Increase Your Confidence When You’re a New Fitness Instructor

Being a fitness instructor is awesome! Not only do you stay in excellent shape, but you get to share your love of fitness with other people. There is such a sense of fulfillment that comes from helping others on their fitness journey. But being a good fitness instructor involves more than just telling a group of people what exercises to do. It takes a high level of confidence to walk into a class and command the attention of a group of strangers. While this level of confidence comes after some experience, there are ways to increase your confidence when you’re a new fitness instructor. If you are a new fitness instructor struggling with feeling confident in front of a crowd, these 10 tips are for you.

Have You Been Resisting the Resistance Band?

With the world transitioning to staying and working at home more, you may be looking for ways to transition your fitness to a more at-home style. If this sounds like you, resistance bands are the workout equipment you need. Maybe you’ve heard of them, but have been too skeptical to give them a try. It’s time to stop resisting the resistance band! These miracle pieces of elastic will take your workouts to a whole new level. Resistance bands resemble bungee cords or oversized rubber bands, but don’t let their appearance fool you. Once you try them, these unassuming pieces of equipment will rival even your favorite go-to workout.

How to Stay on Track During the Holidays

The holidays are so hard for people trying to stick to a healthy lifestyle! Between the scrumptious turkey and macaroni and cheese to the decadent desserts it’s no wonder so many people don’t stay on track with their fitness goals during the holidays. So how do you stay on track during the holidays? These tips will help you maintain your healthy lifestyle during the holidays and make you feel proud of yourself.

Brandi Abroad – My Experience on my Own

On a day like any other, I saw a flyer announcing this year’s upcoming abroad programs and one of them so happened to be a three-month semester in England of all places, sponsored by the English Department. It was astounding that I even considered applying, and more so that I was accepted, along with fifteen […]