Eating When You’re Over 40

Let’s face it- by the time we reach a certain age our bodies just aren’t what they used to be. Long gone are the days of indulging on that sugary donut or an extra glass of wine (or two) without feeling the effects of it the next day. We may feel young and vibrant on the inside, but the outside just doesn’t seem to reflect that anymore. Check out these tips for how to eat when you’re over 40 if you want to continue being a badass babe

The Difference Between Yoga and Pilates

Yoga and Pilates offer a lot of health benefits to their practitioners. Aside from providing a unique way to relieve one’s stress, it also gives people a way to develop their flexibility, endurance, and strength. But with all the benefits that both have, how do you choose between them? Here are some differences between Yoga and Pilates