Cut Cooking Time in Half With Rotisserie Chicken
September is National Chicken Month. I’m going to tell you about all the awesome things you can do with a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store!
Is Cheese Healthy? The Great Debate!
Most people, when I ask them their favorite food, they’ll say cheese! So I may be asking the most important question ever when I ask, “Is cheese healthy?”
Do Doctors Ignore Women’s Health Problems More than Men’s?
As women, we are supremely in touch with our bodies. That’s why it’s so extremely frustrating when doctors ignore women’s health problems and what we say…
At Home Cardio Moves for Beginners that Only Take 20 Minutes!
When you hear the phrase, “at home cardio workouts,” you might be confused and I can’t blame you. After all, most of us think of cardio as running, right?
Adult Children Living at Home: Ground Rules So Everyone Stays Sane!
Me and my daughters are close…so living at home sounds great, right? Hold on. Adult children living at home can still become a MESS on both sides.
The Best Herbs for Inflammation That You May Not Have Heard Of!
Inflammation is THE factor causing all disease! What are the best herbs for inflammation, so you don’t have to deal with the cost and risks of medicine?
How Much Exercise Do You Really Need to Live Longer?
What’s the BARE MINIMUM amount of exercise you need to get all its benefits? How much exercise do you really need, to get max gain for minimum pain?
Get Your Pumpkin Spice Fix The Healthy Way This Fall
Learn Why I won’t be indulging in too many Pumpkin Spice Lattes this Fall.
Doing HIIT with Weights (Is It Too Crazy for the Average Person)?
So you’re always hearing about new challenging workouts that promise to burn fat better. My recommendation? Doing HIIT WITH weights! Now, my feeling has always been that cardio and weights are BOTH great in their own way. Especially when you consider that cardio often involves shifting and lifting your own weight… And that the vice-versa […]
How to Motivate Yourself to Work…or Do ANYTHING!
So I watched this YouTube video by a woman who goes by “Lefie.” She does LIFESTYLE videos but super interesting ones. And the one I saw recently on how to MOTIVATE yourself to work was so mind blowing…I just had to share! “Self-Discipline with Minimal Effort”! Now, of course I — like most people […]