Stop Stress Eating Once and for All
What is it about stress that makes us want to stuff our face with junk food? Craving carbs during stressful times is completely normal (thanks, genetics). Your body equates stress with you being in danger so it thinks you need those extra carbs to keep you safe. And who hasn’t been a giant stress ball this year, am I right? Why we can’t crave celery and peanut butter, I don’t know, but stress eating is not a habit that you want to let continue. Thankfully, some preparation and management on your part will help you stop stress eating once and for all.
Why Being Outdoors Heals You!
Without regular exposure to natural light and fresh air, you can live your life feeling lethargic, anxious, and mildly depressed. That’s no way to live! But the good news is, this is an easy problem to fix. Nature is and will always be the best cure for pretty much anything. But how?
Top 5 Unexpected Guacamole Hacks
Who in the world does not love guacamole??? The combination of fresh avocado, tomato, onion, and seasonings makes for a delectable and healthy treat. Guacamole is a well-loved treat, and for good reason. It has all-natural ingredients that are amazing for you, tons of fiber, and even more delicious taste. There is literally nothing better than digging into a fresh batch of savory guacamole. Guacamole has been around for centuries and people have experimented to find the best ways to make it. Check out these five unexpected guacamole hacks to make your next guacamole experience even better.
How to Actually Keep Produce FRESH Longer
We’ve all been there. The week starts with high hopes of cooking delicious homemade meals with fresh veggies. You dream that this is the week that your kids ask for a banana or fresh strawberries for a snack instead of their usual potato chips. So you fill your grocery cart with fresh produce and head home. Then life got in the way and your nights of homemade meals turn into drive-thru meals on the way to ball practice. If you love having fresh fruits and vegetables but hate losing money when they go bad, this post is for you.
What Not To Eat Before A Run
For many people, running is a way of life. It motivates them to push themselves to limits they never thought possible. For some, running is a form of therapy. No matter the motivation for running, every runner can agree that they want their body at top performance when they are in the zone. The fuel a runner puts in their bodies before a run is crucial to the success of the run. Before you head out for your next cardio session, look at this list of what not to eat before a run. It might just make the difference in your performance.
These Are the MOST Important Stretches
I bet you do stretches every SINGLE day! Okay, maybe that’s a “stretch.” So today I’m going to talk about why you should…
Jogging and Knee Pain…What to Do About Runner’s Knee!
“Runner’s knee” means it’s time for a little rest. But how can you recover as smoothly as possible? And maybe even prevent this from happening again?
What a Relaxing Alarm Can Do for Your Mood
Most of use us a “sound based” alarm. You may not have even known that there is a more relaxing alarm out there. But the wrong alarm is bad for your health!
DIY Yogurt Face Mask…Yum or Yuck?
I recently discovered the idea of a yogurt face mask, and I have to admit, I found it pretty gross at first! But does it ACTUALLY makes your skin look good?
My Guide to a Good Night’s Sleep!
You know that getting enough sleep is one of the most important things for your health. So today I’m giving you the best tips for a good night’s sleep!